• Intellectual and Industrial Property

    Strategy and procedure: we design and develop strategies to protect, defend and maximize your intangible assets: trademarks, trade names, patents for inventions and utility models, industrial models and designs, copyrights.


    Trademarks are governed by Law 22.362 and regulatory decrees. They consist of one or more words with or without ideological meaning as well as any sign with distinctiveness such as sounds or aromas. Among its functions they serve to identify products and services and they have a paramount role in the origin identification.

    They are registered before the Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI/PTO). The procedure until its registration takes between 8 to 14 months in smooth prosecution. Once granted a registration certificate is issued in favor of the applicant.

    Their duration is of 10 years and can be renewed for the same term as long as they have been used within five years prior to their renewal deadline.

    Registration of a mark consists of a property right that bestows to the applicant exclusiveness and the possibility to initiate actions against any unauthorized use.

    We take care of:

    Rendering prior assessment to the registration, by conducting searches and determining registrability of Tms.

    Prosecuting the whole procedure until the certificate of registration is issued.

    Surveilling deadlines including filling of the Sworn Declaration of Use and TM renewal. TM registration abroad.

    Filing oppositions, negotiating agreements, analyzing and replying objections, filing appeals before the PTO and judicial authorities.

    Conducting Due diligence as well as assessment and writing of contracts related to TMs.

    Judicial defense of TMs.


    Patents and Utility Models are governed by Law 24,572, which states that any human creation that allows the transformation of matter or energy for its use by man, is to be considered an invention.

    Patent Inventions of products or procedures may be patented as long as they are new, involve an inventive step, and are capable of industrial application.

    Patents are registered before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI/PTO). The registration process takes from three to four years approximately. Once the patent is granted, a property title is issued on behalf of the applicant, granting him the protection of his invention for twenty years, counted from the application filing date.

    Patent registration consists in a property right that grants its owner the exclusive use of his invention and the possibility of preventing third parties from using it, hence the importance of obtaining its registration.

    Utility models consist of any new arrangement or shape introduced into known tools, work instruments, utensils, devices or objects, as long as they imply a better use in the function to which they are destined.

    Once its registration has been obtained, it confers to the owner the exclusive right of exploitation for a non-extendable period of ten years , counted from the application date.

    We take care of:

    Conducting patent searches and reports to analyze the patentability of the invention.

    Carrying out all the administrative procedures until the granting of the patent or utility model, analyzing and replying objections, and the filing of administrative and/or judicial appeals.

    Paying patent annuities.

    Legal audit or due diligence tasks, as well as giving advice and drafting of patent licensing agreements.

    Legal defense of patents and utility models.


    Models and Industrial Designs are governed by Decree-Law 6,673/63, and they consist in the forms incorporated to an industrial or artisan product and confer an ornamental character to it.

    Models are three-dimensional, while Industrial Designs are two-dimensional.

    In order to be registered, models must be new and innovative, that is, they must not be published or exploited publicly, in the country or abroad, prior to the date of application. They must also have their own and novel configuration and physiognomy with respect to previous models or industrial designs and their elements must not be imposed by the technical function that the product must perform.

    Models and Industrial Designs are submitted before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI/PTO). Protection is granted for five years from the date of deposit and can be renewed for two consecutive periods of the same duration. After that, they are public domain.

    The owner obtains the right to prevent unauthorized reproduction or imitation by third parties of his model or industrial design, hence the importance of having its registration.

    We take care of:

    Conducting searches and performing reports to analyze the viability of the registration.

    Carrying out the administrative procedure, until the registration is granted.

    Legal defense of Models and Industrial Designs.


    Author’s rights are governed by Law 11,723, which protects all original scientific, literary, artistic, or didactic production, and software by any means of reproduction.

    Author´s rights protection will cover the specific form of expression of mathematical ideas, procedures, methods of operation, and concepts but not those ideas, procedures, methods, and concepts themselves.

    Argentina has signed numerous international treaties related to the protection of author’s rights, such as the Berne Convention, by which reciprocity of protection is granted to foreign works whose owners belong to countries who have adhered to the Convention.

    Although work is protected from the moment of its creation, it is always advisable to deposit it in the National Directorate of Author’s Rights or its cooperating entities to obtain a certain date.

    An author’s right over most of the works corresponds to it throughout their lives and to their heirs or successors in title for up to seventy years, to count from January 1st of the year following the author’s death. Other works have different duration such as pictures whose validity is of 20 years as from the publication date.

    We take care of:

    Providing advice, prior to the deposit of the Author’s Right.

    Carrying out all the administrative procedures until the registration is obtained.

    Legal audit or due diligence tasks, as well as advice and drafting of author’s rights and software license agreements.

    Legal defense of Author’s Rights.

    Drafting and recording contracts before the Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor (DNDA)

  • Biotechnology Consultancy

    Together, with our multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary team of experienced professionals we provide solutions in the fields of biotechnology, pharmacy, agrotech, cosmetic, food, as well as in the research, development and innovation of biotechnological products.

    We take care of:

    Promoting the development of your projects, and carrying out the economic evaluation and the technical feasibility until its execution.

    Escorting all the instances of the business : since the elaboration of the methodology for the challenge of the idea, the construction of the prototype, to the constitution of the company and its commercial development.

    Analyzing scientific information with global trends in biotechnological developments.

    Developing R+D+i agreements and the biotechnology industry in the region.

    Structuring industrial projects according to your needs.

    Guiding strategic decision-making in innovation projects.

    Developing optimization strategies for biotechnological products.

    Executing technology transfers of biotechnological products.

    Implementing comprehensive quality management systems.

    Analyzing financing and incubation instruments that best suit your needs, enhancing your company’s activities.

  • Compliance

    An effective Compliance Program that meets regulatory requirements allows you to think more strategically about how ethical compliance practices fit into the overall business strategy of your company or organization, making it a central piece of the business model. This will result in obtaining competitive advantages both nationally and internationally.

    Our team holds an International Compliance Certification which allows us to develop and implement a Compliance Program tailored to your business.

    We take care of:

    Designing, preparing, and implementing Codes of Conduct and Ethics.

    Designing, preparing, and implementing anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies.

    Designing, preparing, and implementing conflict of interest policies.

    Designing, preparing, and implementing interaction with public officials policies.

  • Regulatory Affairs

    We provide an assessment on registration of goods with the National Medicine, Food and Medicine Technology Administration (ANMAT) and the National Seeds Institute (INASE).

    Our advice also includes strategies for the registration of products, approval, and marketing authorization in Argentina, as well as recommendations on clinical trials.

    We take care of:

    Providing advice on the current regulatory framework.

    Providing advice on the registration strategy for the approval of products and marketing permits in Argentina.

    Providing recommendations in terms of clinical analysis.

    Preparing and submitting product registration applications before Health and Administrative Authorities.

    The comprehensive management of the administrative procedure, until the authorization of the product is obtained.

    Compliance and renewal of records and maintenance of the marketing permit.

  • Unfair Competition Claims and Consumer Protection

    Our expertise includes the design development and implementation of legal terms and conditions of contests, raffles and counseling in advertising.

    We advise on compliance with the requirements established by consumer protection and commercial loyalty laws.

    We initiate and prosecute claims with the National and Direction Unfair Competition and Consumer Protection Entities.

  • Data Governance and Compliance

    We are aware that the implementation of an adequate Data Governance and Compliance program will result in obtaining competitive advantages.

    We render assessment in the design and implementation of a legal frame that guarantees quality, confidentiality and integrity of data used and stored by companies.

    Our guidance is made in accordance with local and international legislation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR ), that includes assessment in data transfer.

    We take care of:

    Registering databases in the National Database Registry.

    Writing and implementing applications and websites terms and conditions, and privacy and cookies policies.

  • Domain Names

    We register domain names with and carry out all the related processes, including the recovery of domain names through the administrative procedure before or by judicial means.

  • Contentious Work

    We strive in out-of-court negotiations to try to avoid trials. In case the latter occurs we have a team of experts litigants lawyers with thorough experience in the matter.

    We take care of:

    Negotiation and resolution of disputes related to trademarks, patents, industrial models and designs, author’s rights, and other industrial and intellectual property rights.

    Carrying out administrative and/or judicial procedures including precautionary measures related to trademarks, patents, industrial models and designs, author’s rights, and other industrial and intellectual property rights.

    Carrying out administrative and/or judicial procedures for conflicts with domain names before National and International Organizations.

    Designing strategies and carrying out claims and legal processes before social networks and/or internet sales sites.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Strategy and procedure: we design and develop strategies to protect, defend and maximize your intangible assets: trademarks, trade names, patents for inventions and utility models, industrial models and designs, copyrights.


Trademarks are governed by Law 22.362 and regulatory decrees. They consist of one or more words with or without ideological meaning as well as any sign with distinctiveness such as sounds or aromas. Among its functions they serve to identify products and services and they have a paramount role in the origin identification.

They are registered before the Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI/PTO). The procedure until its registration takes between 8 to 14 months in smooth prosecution. Once granted a registration certificate is issued in favor of the applicant.

Their duration is of 10 years and can be renewed for the same term as long as they have been used within five years prior to their renewal deadline.

Registration of a mark consists of a property right that bestows to the applicant exclusiveness and the possibility to initiate actions against any unauthorized use.

We take care of:

Rendering prior assessment to the registration, by conducting searches and determining registrability of Tms.

Prosecuting the whole procedure until the certificate of registration is issued.

Surveilling deadlines including filling of the Sworn Declaration of Use and TM renewal. TM registration abroad.

Filing oppositions, negotiating agreements, analyzing and replying objections, filing appeals before the PTO and judicial authorities.

Conducting Due diligence as well as assessment and writing of contracts related to TMs.

Judicial defense of TMs.


Patents and Utility Models are governed by Law 24,572, which states that any human creation that allows the transformation of matter or energy for its use by man, is to be considered an invention.

Patent Inventions of products or procedures may be patented as long as they are new, involve an inventive step, and are capable of industrial application.

Patents are registered before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI/PTO). The registration process takes from three to four years approximately. Once the patent is granted, a property title is issued on behalf of the applicant, granting him the protection of his invention for twenty years, counted from the application filing date.

Patent registration consists in a property right that grants its owner the exclusive use of his invention and the possibility of preventing third parties from using it, hence the importance of obtaining its registration.

Utility models consist of any new arrangement or shape introduced into known tools, work instruments, utensils, devices or objects, as long as they imply a better use in the function to which they are destined.

Once its registration has been obtained, it confers to the owner the exclusive right of exploitation for a non-extendable period of ten years , counted from the application date.

We take care of:

Conducting patent searches and reports to analyze the patentability of the invention.

Carrying out all the administrative procedures until the granting of the patent or utility model, analyzing and replying objections, and the filing of administrative and/or judicial appeals.

Paying patent annuities.

Legal audit or due diligence tasks, as well as giving advice and drafting of patent licensing agreements.

Legal defense of patents and utility models.


Models and Industrial Designs are governed by Decree-Law 6,673/63, and they consist in the forms incorporated to an industrial or artisan product and confer an ornamental character to it.

Models are three-dimensional, while Industrial Designs are two-dimensional.

In order to be registered, models must be new and innovative, that is, they must not be published or exploited publicly, in the country or abroad, prior to the date of application. They must also have their own and novel configuration and physiognomy with respect to previous models or industrial designs and their elements must not be imposed by the technical function that the product must perform.

Models and Industrial Designs are submitted before the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI/PTO). Protection is granted for five years from the date of deposit and can be renewed for two consecutive periods of the same duration. After that, they are public domain.

The owner obtains the right to prevent unauthorized reproduction or imitation by third parties of his model or industrial design, hence the importance of having its registration.

We take care of:

Conducting searches and performing reports to analyze the viability of the registration.

Carrying out the administrative procedure, until the registration is granted.

Legal defense of Models and Industrial Designs.


Author’s rights are governed by Law 11,723, which protects all original scientific, literary, artistic, or didactic production, and software by any means of reproduction.

Author´s rights protection will cover the specific form of expression of mathematical ideas, procedures, methods of operation, and concepts but not those ideas, procedures, methods, and concepts themselves.

Argentina has signed numerous international treaties related to the protection of author’s rights, such as the Berne Convention, by which reciprocity of protection is granted to foreign works whose owners belong to countries who have adhered to the Convention.

Although work is protected from the moment of its creation, it is always advisable to deposit it in the National Directorate of Author’s Rights or its cooperating entities to obtain a certain date.

An author’s right over most of the works corresponds to it throughout their lives and to their heirs or successors in title for up to seventy years, to count from January 1st of the year following the author’s death. Other works have different duration such as pictures whose validity is of 20 years as from the publication date.

We take care of:

Providing advice, prior to the deposit of the Author’s Right.

Carrying out all the administrative procedures until the registration is obtained.

Legal audit or due diligence tasks, as well as advice and drafting of author’s rights and software license agreements.

Legal defense of Author’s Rights.

Drafting and recording contracts before the Dirección Nacional de Derecho de Autor (DNDA)

Biotechnology Consultancy

Together, with our multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary team of experienced professionals we provide solutions in the fields of biotechnology, pharmacy, agrotech, cosmetic, food, as well as in the research, development and innovation of biotechnological products.

We take care of:

Promoting the development of your projects, and carrying out the economic evaluation and the technical feasibility until its execution.

Escorting all the instances of the business : since the elaboration of the methodology for the challenge of the idea, the construction of the prototype, to the constitution of the company and its commercial development.

Analyzing scientific information with global trends in biotechnological developments.

Developing R+D+i agreements and the biotechnology industry in the region.

Structuring industrial projects according to your needs.

Guiding strategic decision-making in innovation projects.

Developing optimization strategies for biotechnological products.

Executing technology transfers of biotechnological products.

Implementing comprehensive quality management systems.

Analyzing financing and incubation instruments that best suit your needs, enhancing your company’s activities.


An effective Compliance Program that meets regulatory requirements allows you to think more strategically about how ethical compliance practices fit into the overall business strategy of your company or organization, making it a central piece of the business model. This will result in obtaining competitive advantages both nationally and internationally.

Our team holds an International Compliance Certification which allows us to develop and implement a Compliance Program tailored to your business.

We take care of:

Designing, preparing, and implementing Codes of Conduct and Ethics.

Designing, preparing, and implementing anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies.

Designing, preparing, and implementing conflict of interest policies.

Designing, preparing, and implementing interaction with public officials policies.

Regulatory Affairs

We provide an assessment on registration of goods with the National Medicine, Food and Medicine Technology Administration (ANMAT) and the National Seeds Institute (INASE).

Our advice also includes strategies for the registration of products, approval, and marketing authorization in Argentina, as well as recommendations on clinical trials.

We take care of:

Providing advice on the current regulatory framework.

Providing advice on the registration strategy for the approval of products and marketing permits in Argentina.

Providing recommendations in terms of clinical analysis.

Preparing and submitting product registration applications before Health and Administrative Authorities.

The comprehensive management of the administrative procedure, until the authorization of the product is obtained.

Compliance and renewal of records and maintenance of the marketing permit.

Unfair Competition Claims and Consumer Protection

Our expertise includes the design development and implementation of legal terms and conditions of contests, raffles and counseling in advertising.

We advise on compliance with the requirements established by consumer protection and commercial loyalty laws.

We initiate and prosecute claims with the National and Direction Unfair Competition and Consumer Protection Entities.

Data Governance and Compliance

We are aware that the implementation of an adequate Data Governance and Compliance program will result in obtaining competitive advantages.

We render assessment in the design and implementation of a legal frame that guarantees quality, confidentiality and integrity of data used and stored by companies.

Our guidance is made in accordance with local and international legislation (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR ), that includes assessment in data transfer.

We take care of:

Registering databases in the National Database Registry.

Writing and implementing applications and websites terms and conditions, and privacy and cookies policies.

Domain Names

We register domain names with and carry out all the related processes, including the recovery of domain names through the administrative procedure before or by judicial means.

Contentious Work

We strive in out-of-court negotiations to try to avoid trials. In case the latter occurs we have a team of experts litigants lawyers with thorough experience in the matter.

We take care of:

Negotiation and resolution of disputes related to trademarks, patents, industrial models and designs, author’s rights, and other industrial and intellectual property rights.

Carrying out administrative and/or judicial procedures including precautionary measures related to trademarks, patents, industrial models and designs, author’s rights, and other industrial and intellectual property rights.

Carrying out administrative and/or judicial procedures for conflicts with domain names before National and International Organizations.

Designing strategies and carrying out claims and legal processes before social networks and/or internet sales sites.